Fast Facts
The Fast Facts provides a snapshot of the District's demographics, budget, and leaders.
SOCCCD Colleges Informational Brochure
View a brief overview of the colleges that SOCCCD supports.
Chancellor's Communications
Chancellor Barnes spent her first 100 working days and beyond, listening--to understand our strengths and challenges, and to explore ways to collaboratively develop strategies focused on the priorities that will move the district and its colleges forward.
100 Days and Beyond: Listening Tour Report
View other communications produced by the Chancellor
Points of Pride
Points of Pride highlights student success and resources at both Saddleback College and Irvine Valley College.
Legislative Priorities
The Legislative Priorities features the State and Federal priorities associated with advocacy work of district leaders, faculty, and students. Additionally, the documents outlines who represents SOCCCD in the House of Representatives, the California Senate, and the California Assembly.
Public Affairs Overview
The Public Affairs Overview provides a snapshot of what the Public Affairs Department offers in terms of services to internal and external audiences that span from marketing and public relations to government and community affairs.
Horizon Newsletter
Produced by the Chancellor's Office, the newsletter shares information about District Services and events from around the district.
Publication Accessibility Notice
It is the policy of the SOCCCD to fully comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (BP3425). Consistent with that policy, disability accommodations will be provided as needed for program access, upon request. Please contact Cindy Barron, ADA Compliance Manager, at or (949) 582-4984, for needed accommodations or alternate formats.