Any student, employee, or third party may make a complaint verbally or in writing to report discrimination, harassment, retaliation, sexual misconduct, dating, domestic violence, stalking, or retaliation.  As allegation of sex or gender-based harassment may be addressed via an informal resolution or formal complaint/investigation process. 

Informal Resolution Process

An individual may request to resolve their complaints of gender or sex-based harassment without a formal investigation.  The informal resolution process, as detailed in the applicable Interim Title IX Process or Administrative Regulation 4500, is intended to allow an individual who believes they have been harassed to resolve the issue through an informal or mediation process rather than the formal complaint process. A complainant may wish to select the informal process when there is a simple misunderstanding or the complainant does not wish to file a formal complaint.

The District is committed to maintaining a safe and harassment free environment and may determine that serious allegations need to be investigated under the formal complaint procedures even if the complaining party wishes to pursue an informal resolution.

Formal Complaint

Who may file a complaint

The District strongly encourages any student, employee, or third party who believes they have experienced gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking to file a formal complaint.  This includes complaints involving activities that occur on campus; as well as off-campus activities that occur in the context of an education program or activity with continuing effects on the complainant. 

Where to obtain a complaint form

A formal complaint is a written and signed complaint on any of the below forms.  While this form is encouraged, it is not required to initiate a District investigation.

If the District receives a written allegation of gender or sex-based harassment (including sexual misconduct), the District will seek to have the individual complete and submit one of the above forms.

Where to file a complaint

The completed form (or written allegation) must be filed with any of the following:

  • The Vice Chancellor, Human Resources or Title IX Coordinator for employees, if the complainant is an employee; and/or
  • The Vice President for Student Services, if the complainant is a student

Reporting Options

1. You may report an incident to our outside vendor Maxient at the link below:


2. You may report an incident to the Title IX coordinator listed below:

A district or college Title IX Coordinator / Officer is a non-confidential resource who can provide information about an individual’s available rights, options, resources and supportive measures to resolve reports or complaints involving sex discrimination. 

  • If the person you are reporting is a faculty or staff member, please contact:
    • Karen Dubert, District Title IX Coordinator and Director of Employee Relations

      (949) 726-5819

      Email Karen Dubert 
  • If the person you are reporting is a student please contact the college where the student attends:


    • Irvine Valley College or Advanced Technology and Education Park (ATEP)

      Dr. Martha McDonald, Title IX Officer for Students

      Vice President for Student Services

      (949) 451-5624

      Email Dr. Martha McDonald

    • Saddleback College

      Dr. Jennifer LaBounty, Title IX Officer for Students

      Vice President for Student Services

      (949) 582-4564

      Email Dr. Jennifer LaBounty
  • If you are a concerned person who is not a current student, faculty or staff member and wish to report sexual misconduct, dating or domestic violence, or stalking involving a member of the district community, please contact:


    • Karen Dubert, District Title IX Coordinator and Director of Employee Relations

      (949) 726-5819

      Email Karen Dubert

3. You may report an incident to an external public agency listed below: 

To file a complaint directly with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR), contact their office for the state of California:

Office for Civil Rights,

San Francisco Office

U.S. Department of Education

50 United Nations Plaza

San Francisco, CA 94102

Telephone: (415) 485-5555

Fax: (415) 486-5570

Information for Filing a Complaint with OCR

Criminal Complaint

Individuals are encouraged to report potential crimes of sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, or stalking to campus police or local law enforcement, in addition to the Title IX Coordinator.  Criminal and Title IX/administrative investigations are separate and may be conducted simultaneously:

  • Irvine Valley College Police Department: 949-451-5200
  • Saddleback College Police Department: 949-582-4444

Confidential Reporting: Students who do not wish to disclose to the college or District Services an incident of sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking should contact student health and wellness services or off-campus rape crisis resources. Exceptions to confidentiality may apply in circumstances where an individual poses a threat to one’s self or others. 

Duty to Report Incidents to Title IX Coordinator/Officer: In order to ensure a safe learning and working environment, all District “officials with authority” are not confidential resources and are required to report allegations of sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Officer promptly. All supervisors and managers are considered district “officials with authority” and have a mandatory duty to report incidents of sexual harassment and discrimination, or the existence of a hostile, offensive, or intimidating work environment, and acts of retaliation.  Employees who have authority to institute corrective measures on behalf of the district are also required to report incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault to the Title IX Coordinator/Officer.  All other employees are encouraged to report allegations to the Title IX Coordinator/Officer but are not required to do so.