SOCCCD works diligently to stay connected to organizations and community leaders that share goals to achieve educational goals for current and future students. There are various opportunities to partner and support our mission. Please click to read more if you are interested in submitting a public records request.
Public Events
Our colleges host many events open to the pubic, including the performing arts and sporting events. To find out about a concert or game, check out:
Campus Tours
SOCCCD Colleges provide online and in-person guided campus tours for visitors and community partners. Click on the links below to schedule a tour:

Prospective Student Visits

Community/Elected Leaders
Please contact: Letitia Clark, Chief Communications Officer
Community Memberships
The district is proud to participate in several community organizations that further our educational goals and improve the lives of our students.

Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (OCHCC)
OCHCC represents the interests of more than 30,000 Hispanic-owned O.C. businesses. Its support includes education and training programs.

Orange County Black Chamber of Commerce (OCBCC)
OCBCC advocates for Black business and economic development, emphasizing the importance of education to the African-American community.

Orange County Business Council (OCBC)
OCBC works to enhance Orange County’s economic prosperity, including through encouraging the training of needed workers for county businesses.
More Community Organizations:
Orange County School Boards Association (OCSBA)
Community College League of California (CCLC)
IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc
Transforming Data with Intelligence (TDWI)
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
California Association of Latino Community College Trustees and Administration (CALCCTA)
Association of Chief Human Resource Officers (ACHRO)
Southern 30/Equal Employment Diversity & Equity Consortium. (EEDEC)
Community College Facility Coalition (CCFC)
California Community College Women’s Caucus (CCCWC)
Society for College and University Planning (SCUP)
Association Community College Trustees (ACCT)
Public Agency Risk Managers Association (PARMA)
The RP (Research and Planning) Group Inc.
National Council for Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR)
College Foundations
Both colleges have foundations that provide critical support for students in need, as well funding for classroom resources and faculty innovations The foundations help build an endowment that will help students for generations.

Irvine Valley College Foundation
To learn about how you can support students and the college, please go to Irvine Valley College Foundation

Saddleback College Foundation
To learn about how you can support students and the college, please go to Saddleback College Foundation