The Vice Chancellor of Educational & Technology Services manages the development, delivery, and review of all educational programs and services offered in the district and coordinates technology services for academic and administrative functions.
The department also:
- Coordinates district and college research functions with focus on promotion of student success
- Provides leadership and coordination in enrollment management and distance education programs
- Coordinates programs relationships with colleges, universities, local high schools, and regional occupational programs
- Coordinates workforce preparation programs in cooperation with regional businesses/industry
- Chairs the committees and task forces that address issues including academic calendar, student information system, district planning, and distance education
- Reviews of contract documents

Our district has shown dedication to fostering an environment for student success and my aim is to work collaboratively with our stakeholders to remove obstacles and provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment.
Department Highlights
CA Virtual Campus – Online Education Initiative (CVC-OEI)
The department is coordinating the California Virtual Campus – Online Education Initiative (CVC-OEI) teaching college designation for SOCCCD. This collaborative effort among California Community Colleges ensures that significantly more students are able to complete their educational goals by increasing both access to and success in high-quality online courses. Composed of high-quality online courses, resources for students, and technology, the CVC-OEI represents a comprehensive and collaborative program that leverages effective practices and technology to significantly increase the opportunity for higher education degree attainment in California.
Banner Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
On May 23, 2022, the Board of Trustees approved the District-wide Technology Strategic Master Plan (DTSMP), which includes an objective to evaluate alternatives for the current ERP system. The Office of Educational and Technology Services conducted a review of the current ERP solution in contrast with commercially available integrated solutions for finance, human resources, and the student information system. Given that Ellucian has an existing contract with CollegeBuys and is the preferred ERP vendor identified by the Foundation for California Community Colleges, Banner (an Ellucian product) was assessed and selected as a viable option.
Educational & Technology Services Planning Documents
SOCCCD District-wide Technology Strategic Master Plan 2022-2032
Educational and Technology Services Department
Saddleback College
28000 Marguerite Parkway
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
8:00am - 5:00pm
Summer Schedule
Monday - Thursday
7:30am - 6:00pm
(May 23, 2022 - August 12, 2022)