SOCCCD supports student success in a variety of ways. Through strategic planning, our efforts work in concert with Saddleback College and Irvine Valley College.
District-wide Initiatives
Click the links below to view SOCCCD's commitments to student success.

First Name Campaign
While this program is a benefit to any student, the program was enacted in response to AB 620, and to actively support gender diversity and privacy protections for transgender and non-binary students.

My Academic Plan
MAP provides students with all of the information they need to make intelligent decisions regarding the courses they select. Rather than a “one-size-fits-all” experience, each student receives personalized information and guidance based on individual goals, assessment levels, and academic history.

Supporting LGBTQIA+
Click above to learn how SOCCCD is an ally, find LGBTQIA+ campus liaisons for culturally competent support and resources, learn about our affinity group, Pride Scholars program, and the Gender and Sexuality clubs on our campuses.

Affinity Groups
They advise the District on ways to help address diversity, equity, and inclusion in both recruitment of students and hiring of staff.

Addressing Non-Academic Barriers
Both campuses have staff that can assist students in navigating through resources that address immediate needs, such as financial struggles and food & clothing insecurity, while also serving as liaisons to support services throughout the county-- connecting students to housing, healthcare, childcare, transportation, and more.
Irvine Valley College Student Support Services
Click the links below to view just some of the different Irvine Valley College student support services. Visit the Irvine Valley College Student Support webpage for a full list of services.

Dual Enrollment
IVC's classes and programs for K -12 students allow you to get a head start on earning college credits and working towards a college degree and/or certificate.

Veterans Services Center
The initiative is founded on the premise that the challenges faced by veterans may be addressed through a combination of services stressing academics, camaraderie and wellness. Veterans currently have the opportunity to experience these essentials in a one-stop site staffed by specialized staff who empathize with the issues with which veterans struggle, and which they must address to help themselves achieve success.

Guardian Scholars Program
Qualifying students will be eligible to receive: Priority registration, individual academic counseling, one-on-one help from Guardian Scholars staff, help with and priority filing for the FAFSA, help applying for foster youth-specific scholarships and grants, money for textbooks & supplies, and access to workshops for student success.

Food Resource Center
IVC students struggling with food insecurities are encouraged to seek out resources in the Food Resource Center (FRC). The Food Resource Center is a free, confidential service aiming to provide registered students with the appropriate resources to manage a sufficient, healthy diet. The program provides short-term relief and offers referrals for additional community support and ongoing assistance with food insecurity.

Dream Scholars Program
The Dream Scholars Program is intended to bring awareness, inspiration and provide a safe space to undocumented students and their families by informing and connecting students to reliable resources, providing academic, personal, career counseling and financial assistance, along with a safe, respectful, and supportive space to connect with services, scholarships, internships, resources, financial assistance, legal support and advice.
Saddleback College Student Support Services
Click the links below to view just some of the different Saddleback College student support services. Visit the Saddleback College Student Support webpage for a full list of services.

Veterans and Military Students
The VETS Program directly provides support services and acts as a bridge to external support services for student Veterans, active military personnel, and their loved ones. VETS Program services include but are not limited to: new student guidance, counseling, scholarship & financial aid assistance, access to emergency grants, Veterans Student Council, outreach to the military community, and more.

Undocumented Students
Saddleback College provides a variety of resources to our Dreamers, AB540 eligible and undocumented students to support academic success, including academic & personal counseling, career exploration support, financial aid help, as well as an established partnership with CHIRLA Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights to provide legal services to students and staff.

Child Development Center
The Saddleback College Child Development Center offers quality childcare services for children of Saddleback College students, as well as staff and faculty, and community members. The Center's primary goal is to fully understand and support the needs of each child and family who enroll in the programs. The importance of getting to know each family individually, forming partnerships with parents through daily communication, building mutual trust, involving families in the program and respecting cultural and family differences is recognized.

Re-Entry Center
The Re-Entry Center assists individuals who are returning to college and/or the workforce. The aim is to guide, educate, and empower individuals by helping to remove barriers to ensure student success. Services include individual and group advisement, resources, referrals, support groups, and scholarships to returning students.

C.A.R.E. Corner
The C.A.R.E. Corner connects students to reliable resources via drop-in hours, Zoom meetings or in person appointments, and assists with food, housing, health and wellness, financial wellness, clothing, transportation, utilities and technology, employment, and other essential resources to help support their academic success and create a secure foundation for their future.