Trustees Carolyn Inmon and Marcia Milchiker Officially Appointed to Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Public Policy and Advocacy Committee and Governance and Bylaws Committee
MISSION VIEJO, CA – In an official communication from Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Chairperson, Jay Nardin on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 —Trustee Carolyn Inmon and Trustee Marcia Milchiker were notified of their appointments to 2024 ACCT Committees. In the announcement, Board Clerk Carolyn Inmon was appointed to the Public Policy & Advocacy Committee and Trustee Marcia Milchiker was appointed to the Governance and Bylaws Committee.
ACCT is a national organization that brings community college leaders together to address real-world challenges and help students succeed though advocacy and education.
As a member of the 2024 Public Policy and Advocacy Committee, Trustee Inmon will help review public policy issues and recommend positions to the Board of Directors or to the ACCT Executive Committee. While Trustee Milchiker will help review resolutions related to the governance of ACCT, amendments to their Bylaws, and their Board Policies as a member of the Governance and Bylaws Committee.
“I was thrilled to learn that both Trustee Inmon and Trustee Milchiker were appointed to ACCT Board Committees. Anytime our Trustees have an opportunity to represent the South Orange County Community College District and promote our work to transform lives through education, it should be recognized and celebrated,” said Chancellor Julianna Asperin Barnes.
President of the Board, Timothy Jemal said, “I am confident that Trustees Inmon and Milchiker will make meaningful contributions to the ACCT Board Committees and will relay back important information to the SOCCCD Board to help further our efforts in supporting Saddleback College and Irvine Valley College students.”
The first official ACCT Board Committee meetings will take place during the ACCT’s 2024 Community College National Legislative Summit in Washington, DC in February.
About the South Orange County Community College District: SOCCCD serves more than 50,000 students per year through our two colleges, Saddleback College, and Irvine Valley College. The district serves nearly one million residents and employs more than 2,500 faculty and staff.