First 100 Days and beyond Listening Tour REport

Click above to read the report.

Dear SOCCCD Community,

I spent 100 working days and beyond, listening--to understand our strengths and challenges, and to explore with you, ways to collaboratively develop strategies focused on the priorities that will move us forward.

I am thrilled to report that my time spent meeting with Irvine Valley College, Saddleback College, District Services, and community stakeholders was invaluable.  I am so inspired by your commitment to our students and your passion and pursuits to carry out our mission.

Across disciplines, governance groups, and areas of focus throughout the District, five major themes were illuminated during my listening tour, which are outlined within the report.

While my first 100 days are now behind me, I remain committed to engaging with all of you, openly and transparently.  I am looking forward to working with all of you and taking our colleges and district to new heights!

Please view my First 100 Days and Beyond video synopsis below and read my First 100 Days and Beyond Listening Tour Report.

Best Regards,

Julianna Barnes signature

Julianna M. Barnes


First 100 days and beyond

Remote video URL