As a leading employer and a well-respected public agency, SOCCCD understands it has a deep responsibility to local communities and society at-large to operate its facilities in ways that are efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective — and with the least possible impact on the environment.
Our Plans
Reducing energy consumption is good for the environment and any generated cost savings can be utilized to better serve students and all communities, locally and globally. Consistent with these perspectives, the students, faculty, staff, administrators and Board of Trustees of the Colleges have consistently pursued and implemented a wide range of sustainability efforts over many years, including energy efficiency improvement, recycling, LEED certification, green transportation and procurement practices, water conservation and more.
In 2019, we published our Integrated Energy Master Plan, the most recent in a series of efforts that continue to positively contribute to society’s need to reduce energy usage, while building upon the institution’s growing culture of sustainability. A hallmark of this plan is its innovative perspective and distinctive emphasis on the integration of varied energy solutions that synergistically address the College’s present state and projected future condition. The intent is to provide practical, real-world energy solutions that take into consideration the impact of synergies between various cost effective strategies including energy efficiency, energy conservation and on-site renewable energy generation.
SOCCCD strives to be a leader in energy conservation within the state as well as the communities served by the District. As an educational institution, we aim to increase awareness with our constituents and colleagues to promote sound energy management practices.
Consumption & Conservation

LEED Gold Standards
In addition to reducing turf areas, adding drought tolerant landscaping, and staying consistent with Energy Improvement Measures and Proposition 39 improvements such as LED lighting, lighting controls, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) controls, the District is proud to have designed the LEED Gold Certified, Saddleback College Sciences and Irvine Valley College Life buildings, and the LEED Gold Equivalent, Irvine Valley College Liberal Arts and ATEP IDEA buildings.