The SOCCCD is offering long-term ground lease development opportunities for build-to-suit projects for development of educational or commercial facilities with a minimum building size threshold of 35,000 square feet and minimum land size of two-acres.
What is Allowed at ATEP?
For leasing purposes, the district follows the City of Tustin's restrictions on the types of business allowed at ATEP. This is not an exhaustive list of all permitted or prohibited uses.

ATEP Permitted Uses
- Automobile research, design, and development
- Corporate headquarters/office
- Child care center
- Data storage, retrieval, send‐receive operation
- Electronic equipment testing
- Food Services
- General office
- Government facility
- Instructional/vocational school
- Live performance facility/amphitheater (Conditional)
- Manufacturing/distribution
- Medical offices/healthcare centers
- Precision machine shop
- Research and development facility
- School, private or public

ATEP Prohibited Uses
- Auto sales, leasing or repairs
- Bingo parlor/hall or casino
- Drive‐through use
- Grocery store, supermarket, or mini‐mart
- Health club (except for use by students, faculty and campus employees)
- Hotel/motel
- Jail facility
- Live Entertainment/Entertainment use (unless associated with educational user)
- Residential dwelling (except dormitory and student housing)
- Residential/commercial mixed use, live/work use
- Second hand store, pawn shop, or flea market
- Shopping center
- Traveling carnival or fair