The SOCCCD District-wide Climate Survey measures and assesses key objectives related to district-wide climate, collaboration, and planning in the past and current SOCCCD District-wide Strategic Plans.

The first climate survey was launched in the fall of 2012, it has been administered in 2014, 2017, 2021, and 2023. Data collected from this survey is utilized to assess progress on related indicators within the SOCCCD Strategic Plan.  The last three implementations of the survey used the same instrument and results can be compared longitudinally across time.

The survey results are presented in a dashboard that can be filtered by work location, employee type, and survey result year. A visual on the timeline of the SOCCCD Climate survey and an introduction to the design of the dashboard is highlighted in the first dashboard tabs.  There are four blue tabs below that allow users to jump to specific parts of the survey results. Here are the contents of each section of the dashboard.


Section 1: Introduction, Dashboard Design, Demographics, and Working Environment

Section 2: Working Relationships, Administrators, Interactions between District Services

Section 3: Interactions between Irvine Valley College and Interactions between Saddleback College

Section 4: Work Culture, Communication, Planning, and Professional Development

Note: On the bottom right of each dashboard window below there is an icon to "See this in full screen" which expands the dashboard so it can be viewed easily.