District-wide Environmental Scan 2019

2019 Environmental Scan Report cover

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This Environmental Scan provides background information and qualitative and quantitative data in support of the development of the South Orange County Community College District’s (SOCCCD) Strategic Plan and the colleges’ education master plans. The overarching purpose of these plans is to provide clear strategies to further the district-wide educational goals with respect to academic programs, support services, and facilities.

Educational Master Plan

The Irvine Valley College Education Master Plan (EMP) and Saddleback College Education Master Plan (EMP) support each college’s mission, vision, and values and serves as a long-range roadmap for the future. The EMPs do this by identifying the educational needs of students at the respective colleges and the greater communities they each serve and aligning efforts to target these needs.



2020-2030 Irvine Valley College Education Master Plan cover

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2020-2030 Saddleback College Education Master Plan cover

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Facilities Master Plan

2020 Facilities Master Plan cover

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The South Orange County Community College District 2020 Facilities Master Plan (FMP) has been developed to serve as a guide for future development. It is informed by the District’s EMSP and the Colleges' Educational Master Plans, that serve as the foundation for facilities recommendations.

The development of the FMP took place during the 2019-2020 academic year and was finalized during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Based on today’s rapidly changing landscape, this FMP is designed to be flexible so that it can respond to unforeseen circumstances as they arise. It also includes the Irvine Valley College and Saddleback College FMPs.

Integrated Energy Master Plan

integrated energy masterplan approach to net zero cover page

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In 2019, we published our Integrated Energy Master Plan, the most recent in a series of efforts that continue to positively contribute to society’s need to reduce energy usage, while building upon the institution’s growing culture of sustainability. A hallmark of this plan is its innovative perspective and distinctive emphasis on the integration of varied energy solutions that synergistically address the College’s present state and projected future condition. The intent is to provide practical, real-world energy solutions that take into consideration the impact of synergies between various cost effective strategies including energy efficiency, energy conservation and on-site renewable energy generation.

Technology Master Plan

Cover for the District wide Technology Master Plan May 2024 revise

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The SOCCCD District-wide Technology Strategic Master Plan 2022-2032 provides a roadmap by which SOCCCD technology organizations, which include those at district services and the two colleges, can effectively and efficiently work together to develop, implement, support, and maintain technology systems that support academic excellence and student success. The technology plan outlined in this document is designed to align with and extend SOCCCD’s vision, mission, and strategic plans and form the basis for a technology planning process from 2022-2032.

Perkins V - Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA)

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) was signed into federal law on July 31, 2018. Perkins V represents an important opportunity to expand opportunities for every student to explore, choose, and follow CTE programs of study and career pathways to earn credentials of value. The CLNA represents a district-wide overview of processes related to selecting programs of study to enhance with funding, a review of accountability data, and identification of gaps to address with Perkins V funding. The CLNA is composed of the Executive Summary, LMI Appendix A, Accountability in Appendix B, and Narrative Appendix C.

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